Algeria is the largest country of the African continent in terms of area and the largest in the country rank 10 globally in terms of total area, and is located in North Africa. Desert is the largest part of them interspersed with plateaus and hills in the north and down to the Mediterranean coast length of 1644 km.
Algeria: Mediterranean coast
The Algerian coast of more areas to visit in the summer do not travel through the Algerian coast until you find the sandy beaches and rocky full of people locals and tourists to enjoy Bzarkh medium and golden sands.
In the West, we find a bride Algerian coast of Oran, which lies about 450 km to the capital, which is characterized by a moderate sea climate and warm winters and picturesque beaches and the most famous beach Mdag which is the kiss of tourists at beaches and Hran.tlleha invasions and Mostaganem. In the east you'll love the beaches of Bejaia, Annaba, Jijel and Sidi Faraj and Tipaza most famous monuments Alromagnh.tattabr sandy beaches and some of the other rocky. Algeria is experiencing demand from tourists in the summer to the high degree Ahararh.otaatkhall coast of Algeria dense forests in the mountains and plains adds theorist Raúaa.oma if you are diving enthusiasts and fans of coral you may wish to watch the coral beaches of Kala.
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