Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Barriers to domestic tourism

The tourist activity today of the most prominent activities in different countries and that the density of human numbers, which aspires to a vacation tour, whatever the short-and the enormous breadth of the areas of tourism activity was not at that level or close to it ten years ago, for example, but social and economic variables on the one hand, and the intensity of Tourist Information on the other hand all contributed to the existence of this jump world tourism. 
The global trend to reduce working hours and vacations provide more besieged with tourism information for individuals to make many planning since early in the year for a vacation, whatever the short tourist.

The tourist activity has become a reality, and deal with, study, planning and directing him and hired the public interest consistent with the logic of wisdom. 
If much of the world relies on tourism as a main source of their income to pay. This will not be the focus of our attention, especially now that our potential tourist would not be economically feasible at the present time at least. 

But pay attention to tourism and that was not feasible on economic grounds, but it can be a good way to ease spending on foreign tourism so that a lot of families when they pack her bags for travel seeks an atmosphere of comfort and change the monotony of life experienced by the full-year or number of years, if provided with this atmosphere inside the country, they will prefer to travel abroad and the suffering and the many problems of security and ethical aspects, which began many families faced in the summer of flights in particular. 
If it succeeds in domestic tourism to attract such large numbers of families, it will provide a lot of money spent in this area. 

Not ease domestic expenditure on tourism is the only goal to activate domestic tourism, but there are a series of goals in a row, which will be realized, notably media aspect our achievements of civilization Many of the families within the Kingdom does not know more than a village or city where you live, if managed domestic tourism to attract these families and Chdha to inland cities and coastal and tourist areas had a greater impact on the definition of individuals homeland and the achievements of civilization many and which is considered to know part of the national culture and important consequences of this knowledge parts of the homeland and the achievements of civilization high proportion of belonging to the country and pride in doing and then individuals become media moving in this area . 

Furthermore, children who grow up within the family and move on with their holidays in the internal behavior, it becomes part of their training and become domestic tourism behavior always them instead of foreign tourism, which constitutes some kind of threat to some of the cultural values ​​and behaviors, which claimed the lives of a number of young people. 

If activated, the domestic tourism for the foreseeable future sponsor the development of the tourism industry and the entrenched traditions among the category that offer tourist services in the home and this in turn sponsor solving many of the problems of tourism and avoid many of the barriers to the growth of tourism activity which prevents the achievement of its objectives. 
It is the big goals that should be employed to achieve the definition of tourism in the Kingdom (Entity whole idea of ​​its creed, its evolution, social positions) and this goal may fail to achieve media campaigns and the organization achieves through tourism.

It can be exploited domestic tourism in the call to the virtues of Islam and morals and behavior, tourism is the global pollutant is the perception that holds most people about the concept of tourism and excludes many of them to be tourism means good to offer the virtues of which a lot of Arabs and Muslims are reluctant to tourism to this perception they are right in it - but if she Kingdom that Tha through its tourism potential good atmosphere clean for tourists and vacationers find the security and tranquility and spend the proper time away from the imbalance of tourism, which wraps resorts world, that would be without a doubt one of the strongest ways to call virtue provide a good alternative It is the earliest example of the potential success of this experiment what we are seeing demand from holidaymakers from the GCC countries to the Kingdom of their potential they are capable of physical access to the world beyond the tourist places but the desire to clean tourism is the motivation that made ​​them choose to Saahthm Kingdom without the rest of the other places. 

The social reality balanced the Kingdom's considered a good model against the reality of Arab and Islamic societies other, and a lot of the children of that country wishes to reach the level of social balanced in which we live here and that tourism is able to support this trend and implanting it in the minds of tourists and vacationers and visitors, which is part of the message the Kingdom of the World which should employ themselves to achieve and exploit all possible means in order that noble goal. 

Barriers to domestic tourism 

May be the cost of a weekly Tqdehma in Mecca or Dammam, Abha, or more than the cost of two weeks Tqdehma in any global tourist resort. This fact may be one of the most prominent obstacles to domestic tourism Tourists who is looking for comfort at the same time calculates the cost of that convenience and if he did not have criteria other than the material cost, it will choose the least expensive. 
Perhaps one of the most prominent reasons for the high cost of our tourism is the lack of growth of the tourism industry in addition to the high level of income among individuals, and the previous economic boom, making lists of costs prepared in this period is characterized by this rise is unreasonable sometimes. 
Although the exaggerated rise in costs is illogical, especially in the current economic conditions, but he is one of the main obstacles that prevent the growth of tourism. Therefore, the relevant authorities about it, especially the Ministry of Commerce and local businesses that operate in the field of tourism services are urged to consider seriously in the price lists because height is not in the interest of any standard Reducing prices one of the main reasons for the profit in the long term, and this economic reality is that made international companies with relationship tourism services reduced their prices in order to profit. One means of reducing the cost of simplicity when creating facilities and tourist services Valbzkh wasteful aspects of installations raise the prices of services provided by and thus prevents the achievement of the objectives which it was created. 
The high cost of tourism in the Kingdom is illogical as most of the basics of tourist services available network is highways and airports scattered over an area the whole kingdom and the fleet aviation enormous and the company mass transit, parks and gardens, with a high level all the pull factor and means essential to reduce the cost to the tourist but the other aspects related, such as hotels and guest houses her needs attention and interest to work on affordable and cheaper than back on tourism in general growth and prosperity to achieve its objectives. 
It should be noted that to leave tourism without planning and supervision makes growth is balanced, but may be transmitted diseases, the World Tourism and cons and some behaviors deviant us without that we do and we find ourselves after a period of time in front of a fait accompli in the face kind of tourism bad that are not consistent with our values ​​and principles become a burden on us and to future generations as the reality of the other Arab countries that are going to take the field in the tradition of the World Tourism Organization with all the positive and negative components. 

The concept of tourism should be free and strips, which suspended him from the decomposition of the behavior and look for pleasures cheap to keep the tourism objectives of cultural noble away from the deviation to be employed and utilized respects cultural and media to support the means of education and other education and install the local culture and broaden their horizons in the minds of the young and the young people in particular . And also provide good pictures for our situation stable social and to the whole world, which lacks the kind of stability that we enjoy and hence the call to our values ​​and principles indirectly may be told and more influential than many of the direct means. 

That the entry of private capital in the field of tourism contribution to an important national to activate this kind of service may increase interest with Salah intention to benefit the world and the Hereafter When aimed at the owner of a tourism projects to provide services to his countrymen to keep them out of the atmosphere tourist suspicious abroad, it is in addition to what from achieve reasonable economic profit will not be a loser in the Hereafter

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