Friday 19 December 2014

Travelling in the tsunami’s wake

When Tal Abbady first visited the Sri Lankan town of Hikkaduwa, it was reeling from the devastating Boxing Day tsunami. This year she returned to see how it has changed.

Travelling in the tsunami’s wake

source BBC Travel

A Michelin-worthy prison meal?

Beyond a mesh of barbed wire, patrolling guards and security cameras, the Clink serves up Michelin-style cuisine and helps inmates prepare for life beyond the prison walls.

A Michelin-worthy prison meal?

source BBC Travel

‘I’ll have what she’s having’

Twenty-five years after the classic rom-com debuted, the film’s Manhattan locations remain an ideal tour for visitors and locals alike.

‘I’ll have what she’s having’

source BBC Travel

The Cold War's secret, Swedish isle

The archipelago’s southernmost island was once home to a terrifyingly intricate – and nearly invisible – system of state-of-the-art military installations. Only a few survive.

The Cold War's secret, Swedish isle

source BBC Travel

Thursday 18 December 2014

Life 300km away from another town

On the iconic, 660km Gibb River Road, the Mount Barnett Roadhouse provides more than a vital source of supplies.

Life 300km away from another town

source BBC Travel

A one-of-a-kind Christmas festival

As Christmas draws near in the Mexican city of Oaxaca, artisans and amateurs compete to create the most striking carved radish in town.

A one-of-a-kind Christmas festival

source BBC Travel

Father Christmas’ island escape

Little is known about the neglected, earthquake-shattered buildings on Turkey’s mysterious Gemiler Adasi, the island where St Nicholas escaped persecution in the 4th Century.

Father Christmas’ island escape

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Driving the ‘Roof of the World’

Originally a northern segment of the Silk Road trading route, the Pamir Highway has been in use for almost 2,000 years. But few travellers make it there today.

Driving the ‘Roof of the World’

source BBC Travel

‘Walking on water’ in Slovakia

Two hikers in Slovakia’s High Tatra Mountains walk across a lake that’s frozen so clearly, they look to be walking on water.

‘Walking on water’ in Slovakia

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Living in: Earth’s greenest cities

What’s it like to live in a city committed to environmental protection and sustainable development? The answer might make you green with envy.

Living in: Earth’s greenest cities

source BBC Travel

Monday 15 December 2014

A paradise protected by butterflies

Turkey's 86,000sqm Butterfly Valley is home to roughly 100 species of butterflies, creating a protected oasis where time seems to stand still.

A paradise protected by butterflies

source BBC Travel

Sunday 14 December 2014

A forgotten part of Aussie history

Only a fraction of the country’s estimated 100,000 rock art sites have been documented, and as one traveller discovered, protection is patchy.

A forgotten part of Aussie history

source BBC Travel

Friday 12 December 2014

Budapest’s hidden Jewish ghetto

Exploring the buildings that housed Jews for a brief time during the Holocaust offers a window on a tumultuous period.

Budapest’s hidden Jewish ghetto

source BBC Travel

Thursday 11 December 2014

How 'heaven's waiting room’ got hot

Miami Vice debuted 30 years ago with cool cops and a New Wave soundtrack, transforming the world’s view of Miami – and ultimately, Miami itself.

How 'heaven's waiting room’ got hot

source BBC Travel

Where the ocean vanishes

In this French beach town, the ocean rushes in fast and without forgiveness.

Where the ocean vanishes

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Surfing where there are no waves

Sentosa, a tiny island off the coast of Singapore, is best known for its largely man-made beaches, scarce natural beauty and unexpected water sports.

Surfing where there are no waves

source BBC Travel

Monday 8 December 2014

See this crazy castle while you can

Four Brazilians covered the 13th-century Kelburn Castle with vibrant murals – but their work won’t be around for long.

See this crazy castle while you can

source BBC Travel

Gift guide 2014: Gear

Five items you didn’t know you needed, including a cunning way to deter pickpockets and a portable brewery that will quench your post-hike thirst.

Gift guide 2014: Gear

source BBC Travel

Friday 5 December 2014

Watching Canada's killers at work

As the debate about captive killer whales continues, the waters off Vancouver Island offer an incredible chance to see the creatures in their natural habitat.

Watching Canada's killers at work

source BBC Travel

Thursday 4 December 2014

BBC Travel’s 2014 gift guides

Ideas for every explorer on your list

BBC Travel’s 2014 gift guides

source BBC Travel

Five gifts for the eco-traveller

From hip bags made from aeroplane seats to a toothbrush that will last a lifetime, we’ve sourced five presents that will help you see the world and save it too.

Five gifts for the eco-traveller

source BBC Travel

Five gifts for the foodie traveller

From an indulgent gastronomic trip through Provence to a barbeque made for off-roading, we’ve found five tasty ideas for the epicurean explorer in your life.

Five gifts for the foodie traveller

source BBC Travel

Gift guide 2014: Experiences

From a gastronomic tour of Provence to a sneak peak at one of Scotland’s jewels, these holiday ideas will have you making your bucket list – and ticking it off too.

Gift guide 2014: Experiences

source BBC Travel

Five gifts for adventure travel

From a backpack that could save your life to a portable brewery for a backcountry hike, these five epic ideas will push the boundaries of any adventure traveller.

Five gifts for adventure travel

source BBC Travel

Gift guide 2014: Luggage

From bags handcrafted from aeroplane seat covers to swanky designer suitcases, these five gift ideas will keep you travelling in style.

Gift guide 2014: Luggage

source BBC Travel

Gift guide 2014: Books

From tips on how to be the world’s smartest traveller to an heirloom set of classic tomes, these five page turners will transport you around the world.

Gift guide 2014: Books

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Gift guide 2014: Gadgets

Five tech ideas to make your journey easier, including a handheld machine that serves up hot espresso and a communication device for when you’re off the grid.

Gift guide 2014: Gadgets

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Five gifts for the budget traveller

From a bed in a bag to anti-pickpocket undies, we’ve picked five perfect presents for the value-minded backpacker this holiday season.

Five gifts for the budget traveller

source BBC Travel

How I quit my job to travel

They were living the New York City dream – until they gave up prestigious jobs for an unconventional life on the road.

How I quit my job to travel

source BBC Travel

Five gifts for the luxury traveller

Splash out on the glamorous globetrotter in your life with these five ideas, including an around-the-world private jet tour and designer luggage with a technical twist.

Five gifts for the luxury traveller

source BBC Travel

Monday 1 December 2014

A peek into Malaysian tribal life

Indigenous tourism can be an incentive to keep traditions alive, but is too much tourism detrimental? The BBC's Henry Golding revisits his Malaysian tribal roots to find out.

A peek into Malaysian tribal life

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Africa’s path less sailed

The 50-year-old MV Umoja that crosses Lake Victoria operates on no set schedule, offering a nostalgic look back at the way travel used to be – painfully, delightfully slow.

Africa’s path less sailed

source BBC Travel

A drink that makes gringos sick

An ancestor of tequila that’s at least 2,000-year-old, pulque is enjoying renewed popularity – despite the warnings that accompany it.

A drink that makes gringos sick

source BBC Travel

Is this the original hamburger?

Biting into a tasty question in – yes – Hamburg.

Is this the original hamburger?

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Footage of a death-defying ride

Danny Macaskill takes on Scotland’s Cuillin Range – with a twist. He tackles the 13km-long range on two wheels.

Footage of a death-defying ride

source BBC Travel

Monday 24 November 2014

An untamed photo revolution?

Using pocket drone devices, travellers can now take shots from novel angles and astounding heights.

An untamed photo revolution?

source BBC Travel

Friday 21 November 2014

Stockholm’s stunning rooftop tour

The best way to get a sense of the Swedish capital’s island landscape isn’t from the sea. It’s from the air – 43m in the air, to be exact.

Stockholm’s stunning rooftop tour

source BBC Travel

Our favourite images of the week

A selection of the most spectacular travel images from around the world, from the serene waters of Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan to the monumental fjords of southwestern Norway.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

Thursday 20 November 2014

London’s many miles of canals

Hidden from Central London’s busy streets is a 200-year-old canal lined with cafes and boathouses.

London’s many miles of canals

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 19 November 2014

The oldest festival in Ireland

Every year, Ireland’s oldest festival draws a crowd of more than 58,000 for three days of festivities, including the crowning of a mountain goat.

The oldest festival in Ireland

source BBC Travel

The oldest artwork in the world

Walk – and crawl – through El Castillo cave to see the 40,000-year-old painting that has scientists questioning the origins of human creativity.

The oldest artwork in the world

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Living in: Montreal

Home to friendly locals and a thriving nightlife, this Canadian metropolis is surprisingly affordable and only a short drive from the great outdoors.

Living in: Montreal

source BBC Travel

Monday 17 November 2014

Missing pieces in Utah

Jenny Walicek takes her family on a US Southwest road trip, where Jurassic sand dunes, desert mesas and sinuous ancient rivers reveal a world of unexpected connections.

Missing pieces in Utah

source BBC Travel

Friday 14 November 2014

A remote cheetah safe haven reopens

Off-limits for more than two decades, eastern Serengeti's remote Soit Le Motonyi region is newly accessible to visitors – and quickly gaining a reputation as a hot spot for big cats.

A remote cheetah safe haven reopens

source BBC Travel

A pristine Swiss paradise

One hundred years after the creation of the country’s first – and only – national park, Switzerland’s conservation efforts are anything but idle.

A pristine Swiss paradise

source BBC Travel

Thursday 13 November 2014

Climb ‘like a wild mountain cat’

The solid, geometric rock produced from Panama’s last volcanic eruption makes the district of Boquete an ideal destination for rock climbers.

Climb ‘like a wild mountain cat’

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 12 November 2014

A quest to reach Sun Moon Lake

Taiwan’s most gruelling cycling challenge heads from the depths of the dizzying marble Taroko Gorge to the KOM summit, ending at a green- and blue-hued lake surrounded by leafy hills.

A quest to reach Sun Moon Lake

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Where modern Vikings play

Most visitors to Norway’s fjords head northwest from Oslo, but a sailing adventure farther south yielded stunning hikes, dizzying views and an incredible leap of faith.

Where modern Vikings play

source BBC Travel

Monday 10 November 2014

Seven must-sip local drinks

Every culture has at least one unique libation that visitors must try.

Seven must-sip local drinks

source BBC Travel

Friday 7 November 2014

Plunge into the heart of a volcano

Iceland is home to the world’s most unique volcanic peak – one that has lain dormant for 4,000 years. Would you explore its 120m-deep cavern?

Plunge into the heart of a volcano

source BBC Travel

Our favourite images of the week

A montage of the most breathtaking travel images from around the world, from the Trans-Amazonian Highway to the mesmerizing Skyline Trail in Canada’s Jasper National Park.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Ireland’s wild isolation

Few others have been devoted enough to traverse the grey, barren Maumturk mountains.

Ireland’s wild isolation

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Google maps two rarely seen islands

100 years after Sir Ernest Shackleton stepped foot on South Georgia, an island that had never been mapped, Google adds the subantarctic isle to its arsenal of Street View imagery.

Google maps two rarely seen islands

source BBC Travel

The Amazon’s pioneering road trip

Once an all-dirt track cutting into the jungle, the Trans-Amazonian Highway is being paved, transforming life in its path.

The Amazon’s pioneering road trip

source BBC Travel

Sunday 2 November 2014

How I quit my job to travel

Mired in depression after the loss of both her parents, a corporate writer suddenly quit her job and went to India. What she found there changed her life.

How I quit my job to travel

source BBC Travel

Thursday 30 October 2014

Shawshank’s haunting hallways

The cavernous old Ohio State Reformatory is eerie enough to give you chills – even if you don’t hear the clanking of cell doors and prisoners’ cries.

Shawshank’s haunting hallways

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 29 October 2014

World’s oldest (and cutest) primate

The tarsier is the oldest surviving primate on Earth – but it isn’t easy to find. Travel to the Philippine island that the animal calls home.

World’s oldest (and cutest) primate

source BBC Travel

Canada’s kaleidoscopic phenomenon

A scuba diver takes the plunge in frigid British Columbia waters to witness the end of an epic journey.

Canada’s kaleidoscopic phenomenon

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The world loves a once-banned poet

More than 40 years after his death, the Nobel Prize-winning poet might be more popular than ever, with thousands of admirers exploring three of his homes each year.

The world loves a once-banned poet

source BBC Travel

Monday 27 October 2014

An expedition to the end of China

Stanley Stewart travels across the wilds of Central Asia, not for gold or conquest, trade or empire, but to explore the outer fringes of the imagination.

An expedition to the end of China

source BBC Travel

Thursday 23 October 2014

Canada’s Skyline Trail

Two million people visit the park each year, but only a tiny fraction trek into the breathtaking backcountry of the 44km Skyline Trail.

Canada’s Skyline Trail

source BBC Travel

Our favourite images of the week

A selection of the most stunning travel photos from around the world, from the mountains of Las Alpujarras in southern Spain to the peaceful scene on the Honduran island of Utila.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 22 October 2014

The Irish secret to beauty

Making the most of seaweed since the 12th Century, Irish seaweed spas claim to soften skin, improve circulation and cure cellulite.

The Irish secret to beauty

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The ancient cities of Sri Lanka

Travellers are flocking to Sri Lanka’s Cultural Triangle, home to frolicking monkeys, giant Buddha statues and 1,500-year-old palaces.

The ancient cities of Sri Lanka

source BBC Travel

Monday 20 October 2014

An unexpected Muslim enclave

Despite being officially atheist and historically associated with Buddhism, China has a deep-rooted relationship with Islam that’s best seen in Beijing's Muslim quarter, Niu Jie.

An unexpected Muslim enclave

source BBC Travel

Remote, romantic southern Spain

Located midway between the Mediterranean and the mountains, the region of Las Alpujarras charms visitors with Moorish architecture, ancient villages and rolling olive groves.

Remote, romantic southern Spain

source BBC Travel

Friday 17 October 2014

A powerhouse cycle scene down under

Over the last four years, Australia’s largest city has become an oasis of cyclers, with the number of bike-riding residents increasing more than 130% since 2010.

A powerhouse cycle scene down under

source BBC Travel

Thursday 16 October 2014

Finding Europe's largest predator

Travellers are heading to Estonia in hopes of spotting wildlife that has vanished from much of Western Europe.

Finding Europe's largest predator

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 15 October 2014

The world’s friendliest cities

These five cities are among the most welcoming on Earth, thanks to hospitable locals who are quick to smile or help a stranger in need.

The world’s friendliest cities

source BBC Travel

China's paradise of exiles

For centuries, Hainan has been a magnet for political exiles. Today, the island is drawing exiles of another kind: refugees from the pollution and urban hustle found on the mainland.

China's paradise of exiles

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Utopian days in a murder capital

Crime may plague other parts of Honduras, but on Utila, a Caribbean island with a population of just 3,500, the biggest problems are invasive lionfish – and getting a restaurant table.

Utopian days in a murder capital

source BBC Travel

Thursday 9 October 2014

The world’s best sandwich?

A product of Vietnam’s colonial past, the beloved concoction combines a crunchy French baguette with pork, pate and an ever-changing array of fresh vegetables.

The world’s best sandwich?

source BBC Travel

Our favourite images of the week

A selection of the most stunning travel photos from around the world, including majestic Australian landscapes and Jules Verne-inspired installations in the French city of Nantes.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

In France, new meets old….and weird

With its combined art installation and amusement park, Nantes has brought the bizarre world of science fiction writer Jules Verne to life, complete with 12m-tall mechanical elephant.

In France, new meets old….and weird

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Swing takes over the Emerald Isle

Traditionally associated with folk, Ireland is falling in love with swing – and travellers can compete, take classes or just join in down at the local pub.

Swing takes over the Emerald Isle

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Watch this cop dance while he works

For the past 10 years, this traffic cop has been entertaining the people who ride along Manila's busy roads. Can the BBC's Rajan Datar keep up?

Watch this cop dance while he works

source BBC Travel

Monday 6 October 2014

Travel the world by cargo ship

This curious way of travel via freight ship has some people packing up their sleeping bags to experience the new ride.

Travel the world by cargo ship

source BBC Travel

Thursday 2 October 2014

First rule: Never fight the shark

A new research program in Florida gives travellers the chance to catch sharks in an effort to save them, eventually returning them unharmed – though possibly irritated – to the ocean.

First rule: Never fight the shark

source BBC Travel

Is this Europe’s oldest city?

Archeologists uncover the shops and stadium of ancient Philippopolis – modern-day Plovdiv, Bulgaria – a city once governed by the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

Is this Europe’s oldest city?

source BBC Travel

Nevada’s secret underwater world

When it was built in the 1930s, the Hoover Dam didn’t just tame the Colorado River – it also created a massive lake that today hides shipwrecks, train tracks and cement tunnels alike.

Nevada’s secret underwater world

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 1 October 2014

The longest canal in the world

Although few locals realize it, the once powerful Grand Canal is seeing new life in Beijing's suburb of Tongzhou.

The longest canal in the world

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Rare photos of untouched Australia

Meet the photographer who travels in a helicopter turned campervan, capturing parts of Australia that most people have never seen.

Rare photos of untouched Australia

source BBC Travel

Sunday 28 September 2014

How I quit my job to travel

Would you give up your house to travel? How about your full retirement pension? After a health scare, one couple decided to do both – and today, spend life aboard a motorhome and boat.

How I quit my job to travel

source BBC Travel

Thursday 25 September 2014

Our favourite images of the week

A selection of the most breathtaking travel photos from this past week, including the serene Scottish Highlands and the action-packed nomad Olympics in Kyrgyzstan.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Finding Heaven’s Lake

Most visitors to the Chinese island flock to its beaches – missing out on the shimmering lakes, picturesque rice paddies and mountain hikes in its lush interior.

Finding Heaven’s Lake

source BBC Travel

Monday 22 September 2014

Living in... Tokyo

Safe and clean – yet rarely dull – Japan’s capital buzzes with energy and can be surprisingly affordable for those willing to adapt.

Living in... Tokyo

source BBC Travel

India’s last surviving headhunters

The remote village of Longwa is home to the fierce Konyak Naga tribe, India’s last generation of tribesmen with striking facial tattoos.

India’s last surviving headhunters

source BBC Travel

Saturday 20 September 2014

The end of a wandering way of life?

When world-wandering writer Candace Rose Rardon spent a week with the nomadic Moken off Thailand’s coast, she began to understand how travel and home intersect.

The end of a wandering way of life?

source BBC Travel

Thursday 18 September 2014

Friends' TV cafe finally a reality

Through 18 October fans of the hit TV series can sit and sip on the famous orange couch at a pop up created to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary.

Friends' TV cafe finally a reality

source BBC Travel

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Dinosaur eggs at the Flaming Cliffs

In the South Gobi Desert, some of the world’s most fascinating prehistoric wonders are at visitors’ fingertips – sometimes literally.

Dinosaur eggs at the Flaming Cliffs

source BBC Travel

The hidden Scottish Highlands

Hikers roam freely in this glacier-carved land of lonely sea cliffs, winding trails and breathtaking views.

The hidden Scottish Highlands

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The world's first nomad 'Olympics'

More than 350 participants from 18 countries flocked to the shores of Kyrgyzstan’s Issyk-Kol Lake for six-day event.

The world's first nomad 'Olympics'

source BBC Travel

Thursday 11 September 2014

Our favourite images of the week

The most stunning travel photos from this past week, capturing Bolivia’s beautiful, untraveled landscapes, Santorini’s rainbow-coloured cliffs and more.

Our favourite images of the week

source BBC Travel

Sleeping under the midnight sun

Visited by only 75 or so people a year, Canada’s Ivvavik National Park is so remote, many of its beautiful peaks remain unnamed.

Sleeping under the midnight sun

source BBC Travel

Surreal towns, shaped by nature

From manmade, moveable islands to an entire town built in a meteorite crater, these are some of the strangest ways in which people have adapted their settlements to Mother Nature.

Surreal towns, shaped by nature

source BBC Travel

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Face-to-face with ancient predators

A new Cape Town experience offers adventurous travellers a chance to get up close with wild, man-eating predators.

Face-to-face with ancient predators

source BBC Travel

Friday 5 September 2014

Wang Lee Hom Greatest Hits Live in Malaysia 2014

Wang Lee Hom is an American born singer-songwriter, record producer, actor and film director. Lee Hom’s music has been described as eclectic, intelligent, imaginative and emotional. His proficiency in a multitude of different musical instruments and strong roots in classical violin, jazz piano and Broadway-style musical enables him to interchange effortlessly between musical styles. 

To date he has released 14 Mandarin albums, 2 Japanese albums, 3 compilation albums and 15 singles. Collectively, he has sold over 13million album copies. He has received 83 awards for his contribution in the music industry. 

The concert will be his largest yet in Malaysia and the set ranges from his greatest hits with some new materials. 

Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur

Galaxy Group Sdn. Bhd.
Suite 23-2 The Boulevard Mid- Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur


Wednesday 3 September 2014



Friday 29 August 2014

Egyptian Antiquities and Tourism in Egypt.

Tourism is an important source of national income, which is a mirror that reflects the image of Egypt's civilization for all countries of the world, as it provides hard currency and contribute to solving the problem of unemployment and economic problems crunch that threatens the lives of all Egyptians to the land of Egypt, tourism is the fire of the country Khan as they say it. 

I want the subject of an expression of Egyptian Antiquities and Tourism in Egypt brief ideas and Alnasr 

Egypt and raised by many, one of the country's excellent tourist In Cairo Al-Azhar Mosque and University of Al-Azhar, which come to science students from various parts of the earth and there are Islamic Museum, which brings together masterpieces of Islamic Art and the Coptic Museum, which has a Mary Girgis Church and Hanging Church. 

As Egypt is the Kenana God on earth oasis of security and safety gift of the Nile and the pyramids and the home of the prophets and apostles and the cradle of civilization and the spring of culture and the heart of the world blessed with a viable tourism which pays foreigners to flee their homelands love in the poll and watch everything they hear about him homelands other, has blessed our country unique location and atmosphere adorable and a cloudless sky and bright sun, as Egypt is characterized by the presence of tourist attractions is the eternal effects that dazzle the eye and enchant kernels and minds are the cradle of the Pharaohs track all the strange and wondrous than that of the three pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders. 

As well as temples, museums and its Great Sphinx, as well as by the Al-Azhar mosque oldest Islamic university in the east and it is also historic castles represented in the Citadel of Saladin Castle Alvarma and palm trees, etc., and by the House of Egyptian Antiquities and Cairo Tower tall as one of the features of our modern civilization and other historical monuments as the existence of the Nile River Lifeline as well as the symbol of the Renaissance dam, progress and mega-projects that were built on the land of Egypt in the south of the valley and the east and west. 

There is no doubt that the demand by tourists to our country increases our income and compounding of wealth and is considered the best publicity in all parts of the world and earns us the friendship of peoples and makes people from around the world learn about Egypt and the originality of its people and stand beside us in every adversity and crises. 

Really really Tourism in Egypt great, whether in Sharm el-Sheikh or South Sinai, where beaches are dazzling, tourist villages brilliant and clear blue waters and soft sand in these places practiced tourists hobbies diving, fishing, and scouting trips through the beauty and ships where enjoy seeing colorful fish and youth reefs. 

It is worth mentioning that the state took over all tourism interest in the provision of safety and security and the development of tourist facilities and beautify the beaches and a lot of green spaces that give a sense of comfort and pleasure and beauty. 

The mention of God in the Quran well and thrive and guidance where he says ((If you open God Egypt Vatakdhuha which it is heavily recruited soldiers are the best hosts of the earth)) 

It is worth mentioning that Egypt has seen many civilizations including the civilization of Coptic - Pharaonic - Islamic - modern contemporary - so we must be careful to tourism and we are working to entice tourists to visit our country to see what has been achieved in our land of the projects and achievements of the giant in the era of President Mubarak patron tourism and father forearm who is keen to interview tourists and Mdaabthm spirit of paternity must Nanve in good treatment of tourists and provide ways late and accommodation for them and earn their friendship and hygiene and good publicity for Egypt abroad even working on the promotion of tourism and revitalization even reflected its impact on national income and solving the problem of unemployment, which threatens our youth.

Multi express Tourism

Approaching us summer; to forget the fatigue and hardship, and school days, either for us or for our parents, even if they are not studying, but they carry their study of their children, it comes summer and come with him Abaúr comfort, and breezes entertainment, and increase family ties, and the spirit of cooperation, and grow in us the desire to travel and tourism and to identify other worlds we are familiar not we do not know anything about it. 

And recognized when they travel and the tourism is the first to comply with the command of his Lord, the Almighty said: "Vsahawwa in the ground," Tourism and meditation Ebadtan to humans than their faith, strengthens their conviction, but must for a Muslim to commit to public morality, and controls the Islamic dissolved and his travels, especially in travel Western countries so as to reflect the image of an honorable and bright for our religion and our principles. 

Tourism is permissible in Islam and permitted, and viewed from several aspects: 

They tourism human activity must be restricted Islamic morality, and should not be the goal of tourism is committing sin, sin or act, or come up with action prohibited by Shara. 

It is also an opportunity to walk in the ground, creating a reflection of God's miraculous, and the universe is masterly, and to identify the peoples and tribes and ethnicities, religions and different tongues, he says: "And among His Signs create the heavens and the earth and the alternation your languages ​​and Olwankm" 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) - "GO for hearts hour clock; the hearts if Colette Amit," and here comes the tourism in recreation, and mitigate the pressures of life, and sharpen vigor, and the renewal of human activity, which will be reflected positively in the future at the level of workmanship at work. 

And also an opportunity to achieve the principle of brothers in religion among Muslims, Tourism enables you to identify the concerns and problems of your Muslim brothers and mitigate them, to encourage them, God says: "The believers are brothers make peace between your brothers." 

It is moreover an opportunity for the views of other peoples, and to take advantage of their expertise and experience and move up the ladder of knowledge and science and progress. 

In order to come to the tourists to take advantage of his trip, must evoke legal controls, and more importantly, provide more important priorities and work schedule, provides living expenses and food on the beaches and shopping malls, and provide bridging debt expenses on aircraft and ticket statements.

New Indonesia: Tickets - exchange - News sporadic

Here questioner is asking about the ticket prices of various airlines, Veneri to answer Of the book may be his ticket and extraction, or he has learned in this aspect Who shall respond directly heals hatred including tourist and traveler liquid .. And here also placed last news daily or weekly exchange of rupees against the riyal And the dollar and against the currencies of the GCC countries, and the rest of the Arab countries Whether the answer from one of the sites rebounds exchange, or from tourists Or online here There, and he has learned about the latest news exchange .. This topic is an update to the theme of our brother beloved old stallion, which abounded Pages, making it difficult to follow the new and renewed .. Thread and you and you and you Honourable members, waiting for your interaction and interaction Supervisors and experts, including the benefit and interest to tourists and travelers to Those hillocks witches ..

9 days in Orlando (Florida)

The first day:
Access to Orlando 
Jump from the airport to the hotel (SR 120 per person)
The second day:
City water world (Orlando) 
Will watch the watery world "Wet'n Wild - Orlando" which has been rated by one magazine as number one among the water parks in America, where you will enjoy a full day full of excitement and adventure for the whole family. Also was honored this park by the water agency as the first international real water park, where the park provides many means of entertainment and services to suit all ages. (170 riyals per capita)
Third Day:
A trip to Universal Studios (Orlando) 
Universal Studios very famous and the island of Universal's adventures in a full day of Amusement only b (SR 550 per capita) remembered for two days
The fourth day:
Tickets for 3 days Disneyland Resort famous (SR 990 per person)
The fifth day:
A trip to the World Gardens Bach and Bach City of adventures in the "Tampa" Florida 
We will travel farther than that when we leave Africa to the edge of the gardens Bach "Busch Gardens" in Tampa Bay "Tampa Bay". During this exciting tour will pass through deserts, forests, pastures and facing exotic animals and enjoy many of the entertainment and see a wide range of events and private celebrations there in the region every year. Among the parks that will be going through: the edge of the park Africa "Edge of Africa" ​​Renault Rally "Rhino Rally" and Serenjta Blanc "Serengeti Plain" and protected Mayomba "Myombe Reserve". Also enjoy many of the tours interesting and full of adventure, excitement and visit the game roller coaster called Kumba "Kumba" which is a railway high and crooked gives us an atmosphere of adventure and a game of roller coaster passports "Gwazi" and the game of roller coaster Cheetah Chaz "Cheetah Chase". (300 riyals per capita)
The sixth day:
Trip to the village of NASA ÇáÝÖÇĆíĺ (Orlando) 
That will give you the opportunity to visit the tour Kennedy Space Center and a tour of discovery in the center of NASA and recognize the stages of the launch and landing and see live performances to work there with space rockets. You can also interview one of the members of the team of astronauts at NASA. All this and more from other events that could identify them through your visit to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (SR 300 per person)
Seventh Day:
City seas 
Through that round will take your family members under the surface and above the waves and exceed your expectations elsewhere in the world sailor Orlando "SeaWorld Orlando", where you can touch and feed the dolphins and the number of shark teeth and feed the seals and sea lions. Entry for two days (SR 450 per person)
Eighth day:
Aorlandoa World Resort 
Will visit the Universal Orlando Resort, which includes Mtenshan Forest in magnificence and abounding entertainment that works, but stopped and world-class hotels, all within walking distance along can be accessed on foot. There is also a cinema complex from which you can watch a film world. You can also experience a adventure inside one of the islands where they are commemorating the fictional characters the owners of the famous stories and legends. As for the new year, you will see the world of magic and imagination to figure beloved Harry Potter "Harry Potter". (560 riyals per capita)
Ninth Day:
Heading to the airport 
Jump to the airport (SR 120 per person)

Thursday 28 August 2014

Warning of Arabs promote the airline tickets and 50% discount

I love that the Brotherhood Beware of swindlers owners to reduce ads tickets up to 50% and 60% and up to 80% and 90% of the tickets, reservations and airline 

My dear brother is their way of issuing tickets to your name by Credit Card stolen ((credit card)) and then record the ticket with your name and will fall victim to the accountability of the prison or in some cases 

They claim that they are offering discounts of up to 


And sometimes sells the ticket on Emirates first class or Business original value 16,000 is sometimes worth up to 25,000 riyals and more 

B SR 1500 only and this never Aiakl 

Especially if the advertiser of Palestine or Israel, beginning with Rkamanm 

The second method used to have: 

You book a real book with your name and give you the dates and everything and go the nearest office and get everything real 
When his shift is the amount of cancellation 
Booking canceled reach the airport and the way these are the quorum Hdzlk through his credit card and after the issuance of the ticket and the ticket amount you send him Agheilk Booking and recover his money 

The movement of rolling stock that they have booked you a stolen card, MasterCard and this movement is very, very serious guys, sometimes ignorance, indifference or failure makes some people tolerate and book through them, and the consequences are very serious and very up to the prison in most cases because they steal 

This link to the news in the newspaper Emirates Today titled (gangs sells tickets «Emirates» stolen cards) 

Bands sell tickets «Emirates» stolen cards - Emirates Today 

I hope my brothers attention of ads reduction of 50% 

And especially if the mobile number advertised from Palestine or Israel 

Attention Attention offers discounts of 50% 

If Bgit travel agencies and airline offices Aaktherha country 
Source: Voyager Travel and Tourism

Trips Hurghada-Hotel Three Corners Triton Empire Beach

Hotel Services :-abad Hotel about 200 from the center of the city of Hurghada, where bustling nightlife, clubs and shopping malls Almqahir hotel has a private beach.  
Services. Reception for 24, the Internet, a conference room overlooking the swimming pool, bank and machines exchange to, a private beach and 3 swimming pool, laundry services, dry shopping center to meet all your needs, spa and massage center, restaurants, a conference room to accommodate even 125 people.  -aloncth Entertainment is the most important landmarks Triton Empire Hotel, where the hotel offers a fitness center, table tennis, volleyball, as well as a diving center fits all levels, and Alambtdian Mahtervien Equipment rooms Contains 409 rooms are furnished and decorated to the highest standards to give you a sense of great holiday. Fendguetrretn attracts various types of individual travelers, couples and families alike. 181 of them ordinary room 0.204 distinctive room 0.24 Family Room (includes living room and kitchen) .algerv contain air conditioner, private shower, television, local and international telephone, radio, balcony or terrace overlooking the pool or overlooking the city. Hotel policies Check -mn At 14:00 until 17:00   Check out -mn 12:00 to 13:00 Pets are not allowe


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Iraqi Airways going 50 flights a day

Working on the opening lines to France, Pakistan and Bangladesh 

Confirmed that Iraqi Airways runs for more than 50 daily flights to Arab and foreign countries, revealing their quest to the opening of new lines to France, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

Continuous trips 

Associate Director of the Company Ali Al-Bayati said »Sabah» that the movement of air travelers continuous form natural clock through the airports of Baghdad, Basra, Najaf and Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and the number of flights over the 50-day trip at a number of European countries and the Arabian Gulf, in addition to Malaysia, Turkey, and Cairo and Lebanon, the adoption of 24 modern aircraft. 
He said the tickets on different flights booked in full on a daily basis, especially on flights by Iraqi Airways, adding that the company is currently studying the economic feasibility of opening Airlines to France, Pakistan and Bangladesh due to the presence of large numbers of Iraqis living in those countries or their nationals in the country, pointing to the existence of talks are currently underway with the concerned authorities in those countries. 

New crews 

Bayati revealed prepare the company for a plan that includes replacing and developing aircrew of hosts and hostesses, as well as pushing pilots youth to work on board the aircraft after it has been trained and groomed on according to the latest scientific methods used internationally in the field of aviation, as it has been training 100 of them as a meal first in the United Kingdom and who will be thrown to work in the coming days, as will be early next month interview new applicants to work as pilots and Amadevin.obin that the company is currently working on the conclusion of international agreements in the field of the development of the air transport sector, coupled with a plan to modify the system of flights and subsistence and Supply, stressing that travelers through coming weeks Selhzawn improvement level of provision of services and meals, revealing the opening ten airlines towards Arab and foreign countries during the past two years, similar to lines of Berlin, Denmark and London, Armenia, Austria, Germany and Georgia, expressing at the same time hope for an increase in number during the second half of this year.

Tourism Guild: 3 agreements with hotels to pay the dues of workers

To achieve stability in labor relations 

Mohammadi said Mamdouh Prime Tkabh tourism operators have been signing agreements with the departments of a number of hotels in tourist areas to end their labor problems. 

The head of the union that the agreements signed by the union in the presence of representatives from the departments of hotels and representatives from the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration included exchange bonuses and profits late for workers. 

In addition to the exchange service commission, which is estimated at 12%, pointing out that the departments of these companies, and agreed to be bound regardless arrears to workers. 

He explained that the agreements signed by the union included three hotels, a Swiss Inn Hotel and Meridian area of ​​Dahab and Sharm el-Sheikh Helnan. 

Pointing out that the union is eager to negotiate with all departments at the present time in order to stabilize labor relations in the tourism sector. 

© Alkhabar-Aleqtesady 2014

Emiratis are sending a clear message to investors around the world

Investors from India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom top the list of real estate investments in Dubai in 2014, as it prepares to host the emirate version 13 of Cityscape Global 

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Emirati sent a clear message to investors from around the world, to the effect that the Middle East continues to be a safe place for investment, and that after spending billions of dirhams for real estate in Dubai during the first half of 2014. 

According to the Department of land in Dubai, exceeded the total Gulf investments in the real estate market in Dubai AED 19 billion, 66 percent of which go back to trading UAE nationals, which confirms reinforce investor confidence in the real estate sector is booming. 
These figures come at a time when he is preparing thousands of investors from around the world to go to the biggest real estate exhibition in the Middle East, Cityscape Global, which will be held next month at the Dubai World Trade Centre. 

From the outside the Gulf Arab states were multinational Indian, Pakistani and British are formed the largest number of the pioneers of the exhibition over the three day in the year 2013, and sees the tendon Moulman, Group Director, Cityscape, that the success of government policies in market regulation contributed to restore the confidence of foreign investors and consolidation. 

Said Moulman: "According to figures issued by the Department land in Dubai, it has surpassed the total real estate transactions International 114 billion AED in 2013, about half the transactions total amounting to 236 billion dirhams. Has conducted the citizens of 162 countries real estate deals in Dubai, which confirms the durability and stability of the market. "

He added: "this year also witnessed a boom in the real estate sector, where investors have spent from India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom more than AED 10.8 billion in the real estate sector in the emirate, which constitutes 31 percent of the total investments in the first quarter of 2014."

Prevent airlines banned from European transport pilgrims

Special inspection of the aircraft older than 20 years 
Confirmed for "economic" an official source at the Civil Aviation Authority, to prevent airlines banned from operating in European airspace to transport pilgrims in the next pilgrimage season, but a full inspection of the company and provide the reasons for the ban and the actions taken regarding overcome. 
And include requirements and technical controls private aviation safety and standards that govern the operation of flights the next pilgrimage season; ban operators barred from working in European airspace by the European Commission. 

It also includes a ban enrolled in a second category of countries classified by the United States Federal Aviation Agency. Will not allow these companies to operate in Saudi Arabia unless it is complete inspection on the company. 

And the operating company wishing to provide reasons for the ban and the actions taken regarding the reasons for the ban; according to the source in the form of "flight." 

Turning requirements and technical controls to aircraft older than 20 years at the date of startup, where the aircraft are considered obsolete and need to be special inspection. 
The aircraft leased by airlines operating in the Kingdom applies the conditions, and should be added to the operating specifications of the company after reviewing the management of airworthiness in the body. 

On the other hand, chose to commission agents and aviation support services in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jeddah, the General Authority for Civil Aviation sector as the first government to build a bridge to communicate with him and strengthen the bonds of mutual cooperation. 

And research to meet collection delegation Jeddah Chamber, yesterday, in the building of the body, Dr. Faisal Suqair vice president of the General Authority for Civil Aviation; Sector Support agents aviation and overcome the difficulties they face as one of the vital sectors of value-added investment and development in particular and embrace thousands of career opportunities promising youth Saudi. 

© 2014 Economic

Etihad's appointment as general manager of its offices in Switzerland

Position Appointed Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates Gianni Trunza in the position of general manager of the company's offices in Switzerland. Gianni and will begin his duties from Zurich, where will oversee the business operations dilated Etihad Airways in Switzerland in the wake of the launch of new daily flights to Zurich for the company in the month of June 2014.  Alejandro will continue to Everana overseeing the sales team in the French section of Switzerland, in Geneva, will also participate in cooperation projects with commercial Alitalia, Etihad Airways partner quotas, and will be a direct relationship with Trunza. It is expected to benefit from Etihad's extensive experience Trunza in the air transport sector, which has previously worked at American Airlines for more than fifteen years, during which he took a bunch of high-level positions included regional sales manager. Prior to joining American Airlines, he held a number of managerial positions in Crossair (Swissair) and British Airways. 
© 2014 statement

Starting the first road trip between Sudan and Egypt Today

Tomorrow kicks off the first land trips between Sudan and Egypt, where the link opens land crossing between the two countries (Valley Hlva- Qustul) by the transport ministers of the two countries as a prelude to the opening of the final of all border crossings after three months from now. The Minister of Roads and Bridges Abdul Wahid Youssef Ibrahim announced the completion of the road linking the two countries completely, and the launch of the pilot phase of the crossing Occhett by Sudan, and crossing Qustul from the Egyptian side today. 

He said Ibrahim said the move is a significant and historic in the progress and development of relations between Egypt and Sudan, particularly in the fields of economy, considering that the crossing is one of the main crossing points on the road continental what would have positive effects on the ground. 

And announced the completion of the procedures at the crossing, which provides all the services, immigration and customs services and specifications and standards, pointing out that the way the continental between Khartoum and Cairo, will greatly facilitate movement and travel between the two countries for different purposes. 

© 2014 Al-Riyadh newspaper


Riyadh - Istanbul

Stays of 7 nights in Istanbul SR 4,916 per person in a double room:
Price per person in double room 
Stay 7 nights 
Airline ticket and a confirmed booking on a Saudi Arabian Airlines 
Including all fees and taxes 
Subject to the terms and conditions

Package Includes: 

A ticket to Saudi Arabian Airlines (Return) 
Package does not include: 
Passport and Visa 
Airport transportation 
What was not mentioned in the package

Terms and conditions apply to amend / cancel and do not attend, according to the book you chose. Please check cancellation fees carefully before completing your booking procedures. 
Modification depends on the availability of vacant places.

Tourism in Egypt

Tourism is one of the most important sources of national income in Egypt, and the Egyptian people are accustomed to the presence of tourists in their midst since ancient times. Egypt is characterized by an abundance of tourist attractions of all kinds, because of the abundance of temples and Alotharōhnak also Pharaonic Village, which a lot of statues of Pharaonic take care of it and invested tourist attraction, is also available tourism infrastructure, which includes star hotels, tourist villages and tourist agencies and airline offices, and is considered a tourist congestion year in Cairo, Alexandria and the Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada and the Sinai and South Sinai, particularly in Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Nuweiba, where sports sport diving, which attracts tourists from around the world, particularly from Germany and Italy are a fan of this kind of sports, where that Egypt is characterized by coral reefs, rare in the Red Sea and the types of fish that they held festivals and competitions fishing yacht, which comes to fishing enthusiasts of Egyptians and foreigners. 
As Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist country in the world where the number of tourists visiting Egypt more than 10.5 million tourists in 2013, and ranked No. 22 in terms of the number of tourists and the order of 32 in terms of income.

The northern coast of Matrouh and Rasheed

The province is one of the largest governorates of Egypt and includes about half of the coast of Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea, and there to maintain a large number of tourist resorts including Marakia and Mina and Resort Marina El Alamein, this addition to the tourist resort great work is done by Emaar Properties, the UAE ..., also the city of Mersa Matruh and its environs are among the favorite destinations for the Egyptians to spend a summer vacation, and the city has witnessed in recent years, the influx of large numbers of foreign tourists, particularly Europeans on them, and contain Matrouh Governorate on the white sandy beaches and coast clean is one of the cleanest beaches of the Mediterranean Sea at all, there are also in the area of ​​El Alamein graves of World War II, which took place one of the main battles in the area of ​​El Alamein between Allied and axis forces either from the city of Rashid archaeological they are a historic city and is the third city relics in Egypt found out the Rosetta Stone, which he found one officers of the French campaign and found him in a castle in the western shore Nile Bey Citadel. In Rashid also a large number of relics, including the Mosque and the Mosque of Abu Zaghloul Mandour and mill Abu Shahin and bath Azzouz and others will be held in the current period, modification and maintenance of a large number of traces Rasheed because Rasheed archaeological city will have to map the Egyptian tourism soon.

Religious tourism

There are several aspects of tourism in Egypt, including the tourism of a religious nature, which include visiting sites with connotations or religious significance in the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for example, multiple places of significance of Egypt's Islamic mismatch mosque of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah, peace be upon him in Cairo "where there is a tomb featuring the head", in addition to historic mosques such as the Mosque of Ibn Tulun and Al-Azhar mosque and the walls of historic Cairo and the Citadel of Saladin, and there are sites of religious significance Christian church of St. Sergius, which resorted to the Holy Family during the resort to Egypt and the Hanging Church and Monastery of St. Catherine's Monastery Saint Anthony, founder of monasticism and Deir Anba Paula in the Red Sea, as well as the Monastery of the Virgin Mary Muharraq Monastery Dronka in Assiut and many monasteries and churches, archaeological innumerable There is also sites of religious significance Jewish in Egypt, such as Mount Moses in the Sinai synagogue Ben Ezra in ancient Egypt in Cairo where there is a deep well adjacent to the Jews believe "that the mother of the Prophet Moses was in store for fear of the Pharaoh" and synagogue Shaarei Hmaam "heaven's Gate" in central Cairo synagogue and Yahoo Hanaba Prophet Daniel Street, Menasha and synagogue in Alexandria.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

The most important tourist sites in America

The most famous places:
Sea World
Which offers water for dolphins, whales and water games fun times.
The largest zoo in the world apparently! Considered one of the landmarks of San Diego, California.
Ocean elevated Shui and restaurants where the once sweet and a coffee

Fashion valley mall
Sweet shops and upscale restaurants upscale area
Down Town
Where an Indian restaurant named MASAL eat delicious and sumptuous times

Los Angeles:

Santa Monica 
Of the finest areas of Los Angeles. 

Altherd Street, Santa Monica passed sweet and broaden the street for pedestrians on both sides, and shops, restaurants and cinema, of course, the most famous places in Los Angeles. 

Universal Studio 
Games two cities where the city and the city filming movies and all ŃććÚĺ. 

The mountain where the famous street where Almhahiralli editions Aadenhm on the ground. 

Beverly Hills 
Accommodation months, actors and actresses. 

Disney Land 
Well-known, and of course the hotels Tqdro dwell therein. 

The Grove Shopping Mall 
Mall passed by the sweet and stately. 

Mall is a large and sweet b (Irvine)

San Francisco:

The most important places: 

Down Town 
Hllow passed and expands the chest 

Union Square 
Altswoq place in San Francisco magnificence. 

Golden Gate Bridge 
Of the most famous places in America, adds a sweet night and day and Tdkhalouna fee simple. 

Alcatraz Island Prison 
(The most famous prisons in America but Allhin leaving him an old shrine for tourists) Trouhon boat to the island prison where Elly and there Eachdhunkm a tour of the prison wards Chowan sweet and dining rooms and guard rooms. 

Pierre 39 (pier): 
This ŃććÚĺ ăŃŃŃĺ imagination and more places Goodwill in San Francisco. 

Fisher Man Wharf: 
This sweet side pier 39 and the museums, restaurants and shops. 

(Twin Peaks) 
These are uniform and have a plateau Trko Qufu San Francisco Foouk passed all of the sweet scene but Haulo Trouhon a sunny day Ashan Chowon city clearly. 

Lampard Street 
This street winding snake costume passed strange. 

Amusement Park Community Fellag 
Found huge amusement park near San Francisco 

San Francisco ZOO 

Mitrolln Mall 
Shopping, cinema and restaurants 

Forest (Red Wood) 
If you love Halashiyae canto where huge trees passed.